Watch me in Hada Labo’s video, win a spa treat too!

Watch me again in Hada Labo Singapore and….. I have a piece of good news for you! I went for a spa treat by Hada Labo using their Arbutin Range and now… you can enjoy the same spa too!

You can win a spa from Hada Labo’s very 1st pop-up spa at Amara Sanctuary! Pamper yourself to the fullest during the 2 full hours with a shoulder, arm and foot massage before a milk bath with their Arbutin range.

P/S: They have a pool in the villa too!

To RSVP, simply share your journey with Hada Labo Arbutin Lotion with the hashtag #hadalabobrightskin from now till 15 Aug’15* & you could be the lucky one!

Limited slots only. (*Proof of purchase will be required).

Should you require more details on the pampering treat, check out #hadalabobrightskin in Instagram!

Oh by the way, follow them on Instagram (@hadalabosg) too!

Please watch this video to understand my journey with the love(s) of my life!! 🙂
