Let’s #BuildSG2065 together!
Let’s see.. 50 years later and that means 2065. How about #BuildSG2065?
Have you heard about #BuildSG2065 contest?
This is a very creative contest because you can put your imagination to good use. Imagine how Singapore would be like in another 50 years time.
Submit your ideas to: http://buildsg2065.straitstimes.com
Here are some ideas:
However.. remember to categorized your ideas into either of these:
– Go Green
– Smart Spaces
– Space-Age Kampungs
– Weatherproof World
It can be in any form of submission – Text, Video, Images.
Go Green:
One of the aunty also suggested coming up with robots to help with house work. And I was thinking… Why not? Maybe there will be no more maids in the future as they are replaced by robots. So we can just buy a robot and send them for maintanence once every few years. Robots exist now I know, but the cost of one is too expensive for anyone to own. By 2065, who knows it might be too common so the robots might be on sale! How about $199 for a housework robot and $109 for a car washer robot? Or maybe $239 for a nanny robot! 😀 The robots are solar charged so no electricity is needed. They will automatically be put to sleep near the windows after they are done with their task. Green enough?!
Smart Spaces:
Build more underwater shopping centers since land is so limited in Singapore. I bet it will be more cooling there and we have tones of space underground! 😀 When we can’t go up, we’ll go down! And have rooftop gardening for all the HDB so that we can do farming above ground levels to fully make use of our space. After harvesting them, we can even sell them straight. It’s like a rooftop marketplace. So every block as one marketplace itself. You don’t even have to wake up at 6am to get the freshest vegetables.
Space-Age Kampungs:
I also hope by 2065, we would have remote control to help us change our outfits. Press 1 for sports attire, press 2 for formal wear and press 3 for pajamas. This would be so damn good because we can sleep in later (say, at least 20 minutes more per day). Even best if make up and hairstyles can be controlled by remote control! So I only have to press 2 buttons per day.
1. Outfit
2. Hairstyle
3. Make up
Seems like an easy job!!! And then we can travel to work in air vehicles to avoid all the jams. We can even pull neighbors who work around the same area to travel together.
Weatherproof World:
I like the idea of Singapore being covered up in a dome because we can manipulate the weather and make Singapore snow! Actually it would be good if the weather can also be controlled via a remote control too! Hehe.
All these ideas can be submitted to http://buildsg2065.straitstimes.com. This contest is open to public and there are a lot of prizes up for grabs.
Let your imagination run wild because they don’t have to be realistic as long as you ca envision it. Be creative and let your creative juice flow~
Remember to hashtag #BuildSG2065 if you’re sharing your submissions on your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or anywhere to garner your votes so that we can see and track them!
Be sure to check out the website for more information: http://buildsg2065.straitstimes.com