Illumination Beach Party @ Sentosa

We had one hell of a crazy night yesterday! I went to Illumi Nation Beach Party at Siloso beach with J after work. It is Asia’s first glow-in-the-dark paint party!!

As I didn’t want to dirty my camera during the splash, the photos we took were mostly from William who was super duper drunk!! HAHA. I love how he always strip himself naked when he’s high!

The ground was pretty huge because there was a lot of different booths from photo taking, to splashing of neon paint, body art, drinks, snacks and more.

So glad that we were at the VIP area where we were served free flow of drinks and snacks. Thank you Illumination and WOM!

Go check out the pictures using the #becomethelight and #illuminationsg in instagram! Every sure had a lot of fun!

After we settled down, we went for the splash zone immediately! And got ourself drunk later on….

J and me got really really colorful so we threw away our clothes after our shower at the beach’s toilet.

Life is indeed colorful with YOU.

Kevin, William’s biological brother who certainly looks like him a lot!

It sure is fun to party with this bunch of people!!


We became the light at the end and I hope to be back again next year!!

What a wild evening. Now I need to rest for the upcoming weekends!! :)) WOOOHOOOOO!!!

