SK-II Magic Ring Test

We never really had a skin analysis done before and we don’t know how good/bad our skin is. We took the opportunity to do the Magic Ring Test at the SK-II event last month!

Magic Ring Test is free. Visit them at their counters for an analysis too.

My skin age is only 18 (or 19, I can’t remember). YAYYYYYYYYY.

I think I need to take care of the spots (not visible yet but prone to spots according to the chart) most. Have to focus on that rather than firming. I tend to focus on firming more cause I don’t want saggy skin. Trust me. I am not as young as I look!

Look at all the areasĀ that the machine has identified. I need to prevent this from happening!! šŸ™

The test was done even before J had his first facial in his life.

And we seems to have the same problem! LOL. Speak of the similarities we have…

He was also introduced to SK-II Men range which he had been using diligently for the next few days after the analysis. Not bad!

With my Baby Xinyi~

All the MFP ladies~

Thank you SK-II for the hospitality and generosity! I hope the skin age will be 16 the next time I visit for a test again!!