Review: Strip Underarm IPL for just $18!
Have you done IPL before? Was it painful? Will there be any downtime? What are the pros and cons of getting IPL underarm? These questions kept raging in my head when I decided to try out IPL underarm at STRIP. I decided to go ahead with it even though I was quite scared because I have long heard about Strip. Plus I find shaving a hassle and constant shaving can cause the skin to turn dark. Imagine wearing sleeveless top! The dark armpits can’t be hidden at all. I visited STRIP at Plaza Singapura #04-08A and the outlet was very welcoming and reminded me of the movie – The Grand…
Kiss goodbye to pigmentations! Try OPT!
Do you guys remember about one of my post in November last year? The one on Lumenis greatest 2 new machines for OPT and LightSheer Duet for hair removal? Refresh your memory here: Changing the face of Aesthetic solutions. I went for the OPT Trial in December to get my birthmark removed. BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW! I had a birth mark on my face, below my right lower lips. (You can tell from the pictures later) The whole procedure was super fast. It took like less than 15minutes to finish the whole OPT facial. . . . . . [ALL PHOTOS ARE NOT PHOTOSHOPPED AND TRUE TO PROCEDURE/RESULTS] 1. Removed…