
sOmang Beauty Event

Attended sOmang beauty event with the rest of the MFP girls!

It was my first time meeting most of them.

The purpose of event was to introduce us their new Midnight range. Apart from that, they also introduced and demonstrated some of their hot selling products to us.

Beautiful backdrop to suit the midnight theme.

A live demonstration was also carried out on some of their products. The green bottle that the lady on the right is holding is actually one of their signature products – the cleansing oil.

They cleansed the model’s face and applied moisturizer/cc cream, so on and so forth.

Most of the bloggers were raving about sOmang’s CC cream because they had previously tried it for an advert. And everyone was gahgah-ing over it.

CC cream was already applied in the beauty below. Can you see the instant glow the model has on her face? *jealous*

Wendy, Herine and Maybeline! Dang, I should have hidden behind them. Now my face look so fat πŸ™

We also had the chance to do a mini hands on where we were given a black eye mask and some materials to decorate.

Nadia and Fidelis were there too!

My eye mask. The other bloggers laughed at me for using too much materials LOL.

Anyway, my mask for this little pirate.

Another thing that caught my attention was the packaging of this product!

I brought home their Midnight Mild Peel Sleeping Essence, Midnight Hydro Intense Sleeping Cream and Nutrition Cream Gel Mask.

Yay! I will also be reviewing these products in a separate entry after I am done reviewing them.

Remember to check back for the reviews! πŸ™‚