Adding colors to #OOTDs

I have been quite colorful lately under James’s influence. I was always black, white, grey and black, white grey only. That guy loves colors so I kept exploring all colors to match him.

Let me show you some of my recent OOTDs (you can also see them in my Instagram – @maybelinesim)


Not exactly colorful for this outfit but this is my first bustier romper! I use to hate bustier a lot because I don’t fancy wearing bra without bra straps. LOL.


This dress is given to me courtesy of I received a lot of compliments from that day!


This monochrome is my favourite match among all. I bought the midi skirt from Taiwan for less than $10 at Wu Fen Pu I think!


Simple dress matched with a necklace from Paired it with slippers because I was only out for a short lunch.


Hehe. Mint dress from SkinnyMint’s birthday which will be up in another blogpost soon.


I don’t know how to describe this top but it colorful enough to go plain for the bottom.


Sometimes when the outfit is too plain, I would go for something more interesting. Since I had two pairs of the same shoes in different color, I wore one color on each side :X Mint on the left and pink on the right. Sweet sneakers from Lee Cooper!

Speaking of sneakers, I am very very into sneakers recently. I bought quite a few pairs and I am still eyeing for more.

And the guy behind all my OOTDs? James!! His photography skills used to be HORRIBLE but I must say that he is certainly improving!! Hehe.

See you!
