Run For Your Lives Singapore 2014

Wooohooo. We had another unusual Sunday last week. No movie dates, no shopping, no lazying. We joined in the (media) Run For Your Lives 2014 at West Coast Park although the sun was really killing us. We spammed all sorts of sun block because I wan burnt within 10 minutes. My arms were already red then! We had Sun Play, Innisfree and Spectraban. Very kiasu I know, but I don’t wanna be too dark.

We were already at the starting line in the picture below. There were people from different countries in our group. The more obvious were the Thais who ran with their school uniform! I was really amazed by how much people are willing to travel for a run because there were people from Switzerland as well. How a run like this can bond people from different countries together is truly such an amazing thing.

All ready to dash!!

There were also a lot of obstacles to overcome. J even described them as SOC (army) training. It was kinda fun for me because I really want to try some army training.

The most exciting part was the zombies! I fell flat onto the ground twice because I was busy running away from the zombies who were chasing after us to grab our “lives”. (We were given 3 lives at the start of the game. If we survived the game with at least one live, we will be the survivors!) I even met my uni mate there. He registered himself as the zombie while I registered the run as the survivior. Isn’t it cute? You can choose to be the villian or the human! Haha.

He escorted me to the safe zone. Yeap! The zombie “saved” me. Lol.


Despite falling down twice, bruised the shoulders and knee caps, we survived the race! We got the survivors medal instead of the infected medal. YAYYYY. And guess what? We changed into the survivors tee after the run and drove down to Town for dinner!

I can’t help but feel thankful for the different activities that I was invited to recently. It made our dates more colourful and fun!!

I can’t wait for another one to come along!!
