Couple Day Out 2 #jamesnmaybel

Another day out with J. But a more chillax one cause we were too tired from my work/his flight.

The night before, I told the caricaturist at ‪#‎lovenco‬ that I’ll be fetching my boyfriend at the airport the day after so he couldn’t make it for the event and he drew me this so that I can hold this while waiting for him at the arrival hall. So ‪cute!

Yeah! The boy got tanned and put on a little weight… lol

Not forgetting this pair of New Balance which I got him when he was in Australia. For people who are interested, I got it at New Balance Concept Store at Scape. Available in other colors too.

We wanted to go for some organic food near Rail Mall so we went up for some photos as well.

Rail Mall has seriously good lighting for photoshoot (and free parking too!!!)! Too bad we only did some selfies there. We wanted to avoid the harsh sun so we reached there about 5.30pm.

Other than one of the pictures, the rest of the pictures were raw and unedited. I like sunny days cause they give really gooood pictures. Couples who love exploring cafes can give cafe hunting a break and visit Rail Mall for some nice pictures together! 😉

If I were given a choice to make another casing for The Kase, I would definitely pick the picture below. Clear skin, good colors and happy looking.

The Kase:

I think J would agree with me on that. Yeahhhh, I know how cheesy and sticky we can get. Hahaha. Anyway, The Kase has portable battery and all as well. Do visit them at Ion!

I am seriously loving how the skin look under the skin. I don’t know who to thank, the make up, the skincare or Halley Medical Aesthetics.

I used to only like black, white and grey with minimal colors on me while J loves contrast. Right now… I am starting to love colors as well 🙂
