Gaining followers fast in Instagram

2 simple ways of gaining followers FAST in Instagram

1. Buy likes
2. Spamming likes on Instagram

ONE – Buying likes

How often do you see bloggers buying likes for their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?

Very often.

How often do you see people buying likes for a contest.

Happens, but not often.

How often do you see bloggers buying likes for a contest?

You can call me a mountain turtle but this is literally my first time.

Buying likes to boost your social stats for companies to approach you is just something way too common that is happening in the blogosphere (I am not saying that I approve or disapprove it and neither am I guilty of this).

I know I have 3.4k followers in Instagram and I only have an average of 100 likes per picture BUT I did not buy likes.


It is no secret that Guy H buy likes for his social media accounts and for some pictures in Instagram. He probably has to do that because he has to answer to the brands that are working with him. Who wouldn’t want beautiful numbers right?

The number of likes for his selfies are like 20-60. And then the selfie for his competition was like over 250 in a single hour?!?!?!

If you wanna cheat, at least play smart?

Well, he won himself a camera on the spot for being the 3rd guy with the most number of likes. So much for a contest when it wasn’t fair to begin with.

But we can’t deny that the fastest way to gain followers in IG is through buying likes.

Please remember to buy likes for EVERY picture you post because you can’t expect a picture with only 20-50 likes when you have 8-10k of followers!!


I don’t feel anything when people spams likes on Instagram. If they are some cool picture, fine.

I like to like ALL CUTE/FOOD pictures in the explore page. And I have this habit of exploring and refreshing the page again and again when I am in bed. It can get quite awkward when you liked the picture without knowing that it is actually your friend’s friend picture. Worst is when they accused you of spamming likes on their friends/followers. BAH.

Recently, someone accused me of spamming likes on their followers. Erm WOW? For? Getting noticed like what she did? Erm, WOW again?

(I actually have more screenshots that my friends sent to me asking if I know this girl but I have this habit of clearing my whatsapp and pictures so these 2 are the remaining ones)

I whined to my different groups of blogger girlfriends and male friends about how the kettle was called black by the pot. This could probably due to me NOT giving her emails of certain brands/PR. I don’t really see the need to because she could easily dig the emails out like how she had always did.

Back to focus, that was just an example of spamming likes.


It is just sooooo none of my business. You want followers without spending any money?


Let me know if you know of a 3rd way!

Hope this post cracks up your day at work!

Happy Thursday people! One more day to weekend!
