
Photoshoot for a launch

I can’t reveal what kind of launch is that as of now…. But here’s some photos from behind the scenes ๐Ÿ˜€

The theme was natural and casual so most of us were in a white tank/spag with a denim shorts.

And what we love to do most while waiting for our turn…

Act Cute + Camwhore!!

My favourite Sugar (Elaine) who has awesome skin and hair. So jealous.

I want hair like hers. So thick, smooth and BOUNCY. I was born with natural thin hair ๐Ÿ™

When I posted this picture up on Facebook with the caption “V for Vitagen”, I get response like “So you are the new model for Vitagen?”

LOLOL! I wish!

Showing off my neon pink tote I bought for only $15. Bahahaha.

A little off from my style but it doesn’t hurt to try different styles.

Second outfit was of our own choice and I wanted it to neat and glam.

This black dress can be found at justamaze.

The top part of the dress was quite flattering as it contours the collar bones in a way. I love collar bones. I think they are sexy. LOL

Sneak Preview! I snapped this picture with my camera when they were looking at all the pictures taken.

Soo… stay tuned.