
Goodbye Summer, London.

London is a really good place for shopping.

Very little pictures was taken because of the busy schedule – ahem, busy shopping I mean.

Anyway, as soon as we arrived in London, one of my friend’s bag got stolen. And her newly bought Chanel earrings from Paris, phone and camera was inside. Although the CCTV recorded everything, but the man wasn’t caught still.

No makeup, no contacts, totally plain for the first few photos below T_T (it was about 7pm in the evening & the sun was still shining brightly)

I was wearing the boyfriend’s hoodie which I just got for him in River Island London. Hohoho.

About 9pm at night.

Camden Town! You can find all the streets market here! Just like Bugis Village except that the price is way different. (oh and the stuffs sold too).

We had some time to spare, so we hopped onto one of the London bus. LOL. Not much of difference from our SBS bus.

I wish Singapore’s mailbox look like this too.

That’s their police officers on horses.

You got to pay for a chair if you want a seat in their park -.-

I didn’t mean to close my eyes!

Beautiful buildings.

London is a place where I would go back for the second and third time! And I have already made plans to go back there during the next summer if everything goes well πŸ™‚

Next up would be Newcastle! Trust me, prettier pictures in the next entry πŸ˜€

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