TCM Weight Management

Do you have weight management issues? Do you always feel fat and bloated?

Have you tried changing your diet but failed? Or have you ever been to a weight management company for some weight loss session? How healthy are they?


Do you also know that Obesity can cause a lot of health problems like fatigue, sweating, headache, constipation, stomach bloating, diabetes, high blood pressure and many many more?

That’s why it is always important to treat the issue rather than avoiding it. I get all panicky when anyone in my family is obese and I am kinda worried for my Dad because he is moving a little towards the obese side so I would constantly remind him what can he eat and what he shouldn’t take.

Then.. I watched a video on Youtube about TCM Weight management (show you the video later. Read on first!) ….




Have you heard of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)? I bet many of you have. TCM also focus on Weight Management.

Treatments like:

– Acupuncture can regulate the function of stomach and intestine’s functioning levels.

– Ba Guan helps to stimulate and improve circulation.

– Ear Acupressure helps to improve body metabolism, reduce fats and curb appetite.

Of course, you still need some prescribed herbal medication to help you body as well. A physician will assess your body condition and prescribe the herbs and treatments accordingly.

The treatments are all safe and minimal pain. I always thought that acupuncture are quite painful until I watched the video. If you remain calm and still, you can only feel a tinge of numbness.

True enough, take a close look at the needles, they are just too fine to cause any major pain.


Some times, after stopping the treatments for a period, people will experience weight gain again. It can be due to the diet or the stability issues with the fat. But Eu Yan Sang’s weight management program, it has a stabilization period that helps prevent weight rebound. This is really good because you don’t want all the efforts and money to go down the drain right?!

Be healthy and safe. I prefer to know about how some treatments work before going into them. Now you can do it as well. Watch the video and you will get what I mean.

TCM Eu Yan Sang is now organizing a free workshop for you to know more about TCM weight management program. Fill up the form to secure yourself a seat. Dinner and refreshments will be provided. All attendee will also be given a token of appreciation. (Seats are limited, so hurry.)

Don’t miss this if you are interested in losing weight the healthy way!