I don’t know about you, but I think the wrinkles around the eyes are the first sign of aging and it reveals our age. Wrinkles on the eyes can be cause due to aging or constant rubbing of the eyes. And when the wrinkles appear, we will also look older than our actual age.

Take a look at the picture below… I am not as young as I look. Trust me or not. I am not in my early twenties anymore. But do you see any wrinkles or fine lines around the eye area?

Just to let you know, no botox or fillers were done near the eye areas. I used to be so concerned with the fine lines around the eyes because the skin is especially thin and loses its firmness and plumpness easily.

Until I met ….. SK-II STEMPOWER Eye Cream which targets 3-point eye firm-up for a youthful look. One month had passed and I really noticed the difference!!

I rarely see lines around the eyes even when I smile with teeth. (They usually crease together when I smile with teeth)

The photos are all NOT EDITED NOR FILTERED. Literally raw from the camera!

What is so special about the eye cream?!

As said, it targets the 3 crucial points around the eye areas – under eye area, eyelids and the corner of the eye. Research has shown that improving all three areas has 2 times more impact on the impression of youth than simply concentrating anti-aging efforts on one region of the eye.

The new Stem-Acanax Eye Complex in the Eye Cream comprises 3 potent ingredients that addresses to each of the area:

– STEMPOWER TRIO Active: A combination of Concentrated Pitera, Stem Acanax and Artichoke Extract which improves the plumpness and boosts firmness and inner resilience of the skin
– PAL-VB Complex: Promotes production of skin’s structural protein that plays a huge role for skin’s elasticity and wrinkle resilience.
– Lupine-Alfalfa Extract: Prevents the eye bag from sagging.

All the ingredients actually smoothens the skin around my eye area, hence, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Not just me, 72% of the women who tested out the eye cream had the same effect as me after just 2 weeks of application!

Try it out yourself and you will know that I am not kidding. We would all love the bright-eyed look that lasts.

The STEMPOWER Eye Cream is retailing at $144 in Singapore.

I am so passing this to the boyfriend to try. He has a lot of wrinkles around his eye area!