
Eye Rejuvenation Laser at Astique Clinic

Other than the facial enhancements I did at Astique Clinic earlier, I also did some treatments for the eye.

I have very dark circles under the eye as well as puffy eyes. There is no other effective way for me to get rid of the dark circles because I sleep late and have to wake up very early for school/work. The lack of sleep is then reflected upon the skin.

I have tried using dark circles remedies like using eye masks or cream to lighten the circles but failed. Concealer was probably the only temporary way to hide them.

Astique Clinic did Eye Rejuvenation Laser on my eyes and the effect was visible after one single session. Miracle or what?

The nurse started off by removing the makeup on the face with lukewarm water. Gentle and slow strokes she applied, it was so comfy.

Followed after with cleansing the face, ensure that the face was clean for the treatment. Trust me, you wouldn’t want dirt to be stuck on the face while doing the treatment.

Next was the pre-treatment.

The thing that was on my face emits a very cooling sensation to relax the skin around the eye area.

Pre treatment also includes Vitamin C essence.

As we all know, Vitamin C is extremely good with whitening, rejuvenation and anti-aging. Simply speaking, fairer and younger skin!

The whole process was very comfortable and I like the fact that I was told clearly what was going to be applied on my face and that they would pre-warn you what they would do next. All in all, I felt extremely respected and in extremely good care/hands.

The numbing cream was also applied for 10-15mins prior to the laser. I always associate numbing cream with pain. But nah nah, there was no pain at all.

The laser was done by none other than Dr. Matthew Yap.

The laser was not painful AT ALL. All I could smell was some burning smell which proved that some of the dead skin calls or pigments were burned away. And of course, Dr. Matthew was really gentle with me.

For your information, the laser is also able to lighten some of the pigmentations around the eye area and Dr. Matthew was quite happy with my results as some of the pigments were visibly lightened!

I also realized that other than the dark circles were lighten, some of the little freckles around the eye area disappeared as well!!!

I love Astique Clinic and I believe that you would love them too!

Remember, they are located at 350, Orchard Road #08-00 Shaw House Singapore 238868 and contactable at 6732 3801 🙂

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