
NEW! Non Fat Regilait Milk Powder is now in Singapore

First, if you are wondering where is it made from, Regilait Milk Powder is made in France and it enters Singapore’s market with both healthier choice and Halal certifications.

I am not talking about infant new powder for this post. This milk is suitable for kids from 3 years and up, even both you and I reading this are suitable for Regilait. The milk powders are made from 100% pure french cow milk which is not filtered, has no maltodextrins and are rich in proteins.

As you can see, Regilat has 4 different milk for different function: Calorie Reduced, Calcium Plus, Multi-Vitamins and Low Fat.

If you are a calorie-conscious person, good news for you because one glass of Calorie Reduced only contains 89kcal while Low Fat contains 14% more calcium and 25% lesser saturated fat.

I am quite a fussy eater when it comes to food so Multi-Vitamins will be suitable for me as it contains 8 vitamins – A,, D3, C, B1, B2, B6, B9 and B12.

Calcium Plus will be suitable for any one who is aging or in fact, both you and me! Once we hit the 30 year old mark, we will start losing more calcium and our body finds it harder to absorb calcium normally.

Look at the powder, it is not those fine milk powder you see out there. It has a special granulation process that the powder can be dissolved not just in hot water, it can dissolve in cold water as well! Sounds like a cheaper option for my parents who ALWAYS buy cartons of fresh milk from the supermarkets as each tin retails at $22 only.

You can also use it to replace your usual creamer or condensed milk which are too sweet for diabetic patients. The milk DOES NOT contain sugar. My mom loves cooking curry chicken with fresh milk so this will be suitable for her cooking as well!

I think another healthier option is to add them into deserts. Healthy desserts, who doesn’t love them? It can be used for smoothie or ice creams! How creative!

If you are afraid about the strong milk taste, Regilait is quite delicious! I am quite sure they won’t lose out to the fresh milk sold in cartons!

Regilait Milk Powder is available at selected NTUC FairPrice Finest and Cold Storage at $22/tin.