Kinohimitsu Total Glow Set Review


Do you know my secret in maintaining fair skin?

I had no foundation in the picture below. Just some eyeliner, lipstick color and a tinge of blusher. I had eyebrow embroidery done prior to this.

I know I have said this before. I will never step out of the house without applying sunblock, but it gets a little troublesome when we need to constantly touch up the sunblock 4-6 hours later because there are just too many harmful rays out there – from UV Rays from sun, blue light from the smartphones, computers and more.

What is the lazy way for me?

To avoid dull and dark skin or even the formations of pigmentations, I choose Kinohimitsu Total Glow Set!

The ingredients are 100% natural and safe.

There are three steps a day:


It’s like drinking a bottle of fruit juice (UV-Bright Drink) in the morning. So sweet and yummy! I always grab a bottle and drink it on my way to work.

It contains Grape Seed Extract (OPC) and effective brightening ingredients such as Grape Polyphenols, Apple polyphenols and vitamin C which can provide up to 9 hours of UV protection while repairing damaged cells at the same time!

Oh by the way, it promotes liver health as well! People who drink alcoholic drinks a lot or who has poor liver health, you can choose to take UV-Bright Drink as a form of supplements.


After lunch, I’ll just pop down 1 capsule of Be White to provide inner UV protection for my skin. Other than the protection effect, it has skin brightening, anti photoageing (to prevent unsightly wrinkles & skin aging) and lightening of freckles and dark spots too!

Be White contains pomegranate extract and tomato extract which prevent melanin production and boost protection against both the short term and cumulative effects of sun exposure. Vitamin C is the most popular whitening agent, and it is also found in Be White it protects against UV-induced damage, regulate collagen production and decrease sunburn.


And just before bedtime, I will mist a sachet of Prowhite with milk to cost cell rejuvenation and regeneration.

Prowhite contains Glutathione which works from inside out to lighten and eliminate spots on top of Camu-Camu,, Maqui Berry and Wheat Germ Extract.

Wheat Germ Extract comes with a high content of Vitamin E!! And what is Vitamin E good for? Fighting against aging and promote younger looking skin!

Actually, I could see some skin improvements by the end of 7 days. Not only did the skin becomes brighter, it felt a lot smoother and luminous too.

And at the end of 14 days, I noticed a lot of improvements like firmer skin (not sure if it is psychology, but it sure boost my inner confidence somehow), brighter and radiant skin (for sure!). I used to have very very dry skin but somehow, the flakiness was reduced as well.

For fairness wise, I haven’t heard anyone complimenting me on that but I do realize that I am not getting darker and darker even though I was constantly exposed to the sun. Thank god for that!

Skin Protection and Brightening is so easy in just 3 steps – Shield, Heal and Protect!

[Points of Purchase & Promotions]

Kinohimitsu Prowhite, Kinohimitsu UV Bright, and Kinohimitsu Be White are sold at all leading pharmacies, major departmental stores, retailers and online.

Total Glow set, it is currently only available online at Kinohimitsu Singapore’s online store.

For more information, visit their Facebook page for exciting promotions and to stay updated to the latest happenings or simply head to their online store ( for more information!
