Revolunationalize Your Shoelace Tying with ‘Zubits’ by Stupid Rabbit
Don’t you all agree we are all living in a fast-paced society and more so in Singapore context? As such, we are constantly on a lookout for interesting gimmicks that can increase efficiency or bring convenience to part & parcel of our daily life!
Ironically, sometimes the SIMPLEST task in life could also be the most troublesome & time-consuming one! For me, that can be as “simple” as tying my shoelaces! ><
Don’t get me wrong that I am just too lazy to even manage my shoelaces! Search your heart and ask yourself this question: ‘Has there been a time you just hope you could make do without those meddlesome tying and loosening of shoelace when slipping into or out of your shoes?’
Just imagine slipping into your shoes as if there were no laces at all. Imagine securing your laces with a simple click. Imagine removing your shoes handsfree. Imagine no double knots, floppy bows, or laces coming undone.
Now you do not have to imagine anymore because I am going to introduce to you the ultimate solution to your daily tricky shoelace business: Zubits Magnetic Shoe Closures!
Firstly, thank you to the kind folks of ‘Stupid Rabbit’ ( for introducing us to these tiny yet powerful tool which eliminates the need for us to tie/un-tie our shoelaces! These Zubits comes simply in the form of a pair of strong magnets that will be attached to the top three shoelace of your sneakers/casual shoes!
So how does it work?
When the magnets are separated it’s as if three rows of shoelaces have disappeared. You can now easily slip into your shoes easily. Moreover, the loosening of the first three rows of shoelaces will give you more than ample room space for your feet to slip into the shoe without much effort regardless how tight-fitting your shoes might be!
Then after a run, or a day at the office, just step on the heel of your shoe (as we all do anyways), lift your foot, and the magnets pop open hands-free!
Next moment, I am ready to put on my shoes again!
All I have to do is just slip my feet into the shoes & attach the two magnets with a ‘snap’!
*Viola!* Untying & Tying of shoelaces now as easy as 1-2-3 ! Not only easy but also very fast & efficient! So much so, sometimes my friends give me that curious yet amazed look whenever I take off my shoes! Well, too bad guys! Lol!
In short, with the wonderful Zubits helping to reduce one KEY hassle in my life, my sulk has dissolved in a grin everytime I bend down ! ><
Zubits is for ANY and EVERY demographics: Old, Young, Male, Female…So here I also share the female perspective about Zubits through M! Instead fo the white one which I used for my own shoes,M picked the pink one to match her usual OOTD!
Must say it is quite eye-catching, appearing as an interesting accessory to your shoe! What more a super functional one!
What she like most about the Zubits is the fact that it enhances the look of her shoes by eliminating the messy bows and giving her a clean looking shoe! Furthermore, she claim it is very value for money because one Zubit can easily be detached from one shoe to another as long as the colour combi fits! Now, this pink Zubit is permanently part of any of her pink shoes~!
You must be wondering for these magnets to be well secured without popping off easily, it must be kinda strong right?!
Yes indeed! The magnetism is pretty strong and on paper, it is said to require 18lbs of force to push open the magnet. But fret not, even girls like M whom hardly hit the gym can push it open with a slight step on the heels and squeezing out of her shoes! The reason why the magnet will only unbuckle itself upon such an action is because this action generates a lot of force which is not present when you are doing your running, walking and even jumping!
One other benefit that both of us like about the Zubits is that it does not give additional weight burden as it only weighs a mere 22.5g! That’s almost like putting a pen on your shoes!
You have seen Zubits in white & pink colour. Now, the grey to match my grey shoes! So in short, it is not about how the zubits look on your shoes but rather how you matched your colour combi!
So far, what you saw is only half the ‘family’! Now, let me introduce you to the whole ‘family’! There are also blue, brown and black! In total, Zubits is available in 6 different colours to blend in nicely with any of your shoes regardless of their colours !
To bring the spirit of customization even further, Zubits come in three different sizes to match the size and activity of various users too! They have size #1 (37mm x 23mm), size #2 (42mm x 23mm) & lastly, size #3 (46mm x 23mm).
If you were to purchase from Stupid Rabbit, the packaging will look rather appealing & informative (shown below)! A set of ‘Lace Anchors’ will also be included in the package to help you secure the shoelace ends inside your shoes!
Now for the Key Question: How much does each set of Zubits cost?
Each set like the one you see above will cost SGD 30/set (including free local shipping). This is a very value-for-money price as you just need one Zubits for multiple shoes since it can be easily replaced from one shoes to another. Furthermore, one important thing to note is that Zubits are a lot more expensive to manufacture then one would assume because of the multiple magnets and materials inside.
To find out more information or to make a purchase, pls look up or contact them via the following means:
-IG account: @zubitssingapore
-FB account: Zubits Singapore
Wait no longer to revolunationlize your shoelace-tying affair!
Do visit them because they are having a buy 2 get 1 free promotion right now!