Tough being a girl

What I hate about being a girl is the time of the month. PERIOD.

Sometimes I get so cramp that I would have to lie on bed for the entire day.

I want to do nothing, speak to no one, and just lie on the bed.

I get very bad cramps at least one every 3 months and this month is THAT VERY month.

I. Need. To. Whine!!

I am extremely unhappy with everything at this point of time.

I am having some pimples breakout on the forehead due to the heat and hormonal changes in the body.

My fringe is annoying me because it’s at the poking length now.

My room is in a mess even though I had already spent hours packing the entire room last Sunday.

I need coffee, tea and bubble tea but I can’t drink them in case the cramps get worst.


And then I met……


Hard to gett……..








THE HANJUKU EGGS FROM 7-eleven!!! THIS IS NOT NORMAL EGGS! It is the eggs that are sold in ramen restaurants!! Runnnnny egggggs.

I had to visit at least 5 outlets to get them because they are not sold in every 7-eleven.

A packet has 2 and they only cost $2.20/pack. It is even cheaper than getting at the restaurant itself.

They make me forget my pain for awhile. Lol.



Hada Labo also made me a happy girl. I reached home to all these products top up!

These are the essentials in my skincare regime.

Stay tuned for an upcoming Hada Labo post! 😉
