Favourite beauty articles from Aesthetics Hub

1. http://www.aestheticshub.com/news/news/survey-reveals-liposuction-and-breast-enlargement-top-cosmetic-surgery-wish-lists

Would you want your girlfriend or wife to have plastic surgery? And, if so, what surgery would you want her to undergo? Would you be brave enough (ahem, stupid enough) to tell her? Those were a few of the questions survey participants responded to in the UK.

2. http://www.aestheticshub.com/news/news/laser-assisted-lipolysis-liposuction-tightened-skin-removed-fat

Laser-assisted lipolysis and liposuction was an effective combination for body sculpturing and fat removal, according to a presentation at the Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting in New Orleans.

I kind of like this. Hope it ends with a perky firm butt!

3. http://www.aestheticshub.com/news/news/i-had-surgery-to-look-like-martine-mccutcheon-but-30-minute-filler-treatment-ruined-my-life

Looking at pictures of celebrities in magazines, Jo Sandford’s eyes would always linger on actress Martine McCutcheon’s high cheekbones.

Don’t risk your life by going for a cheaper option. It’s not worth it.

4. http://www.aestheticshub.com/news/news/cosmetic-crisis-waiting-to-happen

Injections to plump up the skin are a “crisis waiting to happen” and should be available only on prescription, a UK review of cosmetic procedures has said.

5. http://www.aestheticshub.com/articles/face/hello-aesthetic-virgins-here-is-my-explicit-botox-a-filler-journey

Coco Chanel once said “My life doesn’t please me so I created my life.” And that was exactly what I did.

Bravo Bianca!! Pain > Beauty anytime.

6. http://www.aestheticshub.com/articles/face/a-beautiful-nose-the-rhinoplasty-guide

A face with the same proportion of upper, middle, and lower parts is considered to be one of the most important attributes of a beautiful face. This proportion is also highly preferred by men.

Wouldn’t mind going for this if I can have the same nose :O

7. http://www.aestheticshub.com/articles/face/korean-celebrities-most-wanted-facial-features

Plastic surgery is no longer a taboo in the modern era. With figures skyrocketing, countries such as Singapore, Thailand and Korea have been attracting both men and women in getting their aesthetic features fixed by plastic surgeons.

8. http://www.aestheticshub.com/articles/face/is-vampire-filler-selphyl-a-ghoulish-beauty-treatment

Vampire Fillers Halloween is creeping in this season, so be afraid… Be very afraid! Keep those Vampire Diaries novels aside and chuck those Twilight DVDs away because Vampire Fillers are here to stay! Introduced only two years ago, Vampire Fillers, called Selphyl, is a new beauty treatment that, yes, uses blood. And your own blood, that is.

9. http://www.aestheticshub.com/articles/body/botox-eases-urinary-incontinence

Botox injections may help women with urinary incontinence.

Well, if you ask me, this is definitely cheaper, and less invasive than a surgery to cure urinary incontinence. It’s like killing 2 birds with a stone!

10. http://www.aestheticshub.com/news/news/cool-sculpting-your-alternative-to-liposuction-and-fast-weight-loss-strategy

Safe, non-invasive, painless and quick, it is like kryptonite to stubborn fats. Here’s Cool Sculpting to the rescue!
