beauty,  lifestyle

All Nature – Bulgarian Rose Shampoo / Shower Gel

Currently in the market, there are a plethora of hair and body products that do not entirely exclude the use of synthetic components like paraffins, silicons, parabens etc. Today, I am pleased to introduce the brand that strongly advocates the concept of naturalist beauty devoid of all these synthetic components as well as harsh chemicals. That is none other than ‘All Nature’ (A naturalist European Beauty brand)!

To be more specific, they sent me a compehensive range which covers me from head to toe – The ‘Bulgarian Rose’ Range. It consists of the ‘Rose & Almond Oil Shampoo’, ‘Rose & Almond Oil Hair Conditioner’ and ‘Althea & Rose Water Shower Gel’.

I was extremely excited upon receiving this wonderful package! Why so?

Because I have long heard about the renowned Bulgaria Rose originating from the Bulgarian Rose Valley which produces 85% of the world’s rose oil and they are very popular for its anti-inflammatory & moisturizing properties! I have heard so much but yet to try them for myself!

After trying this range religiously for a week, I must say all three products served me well without incurring any sort of irritation. In fact, their shower gel does well to moisturize my skin. However, I would like to shed more light on their Hair range because I simply just love how it has helped my hair!

Frankly, my primary concerns about ‘hair’ are dry ends, frizzy hair and hair fall.

People who have seen me before will always notice the ‘frizzy trademark’ of mine. This is partially because of my severely dehydrated hair since young even when I don’t curl or dye my hair. So much so I longed to make some change to it!

As such, my personally favorite among the three is their Hair conditioner. As many know, a good conditioner can help to degrease as well as de-frizz the hair!

*Scroll down & see how it has helped my hair!

See how smooth & healthy-looking my hair became from its previously dry & frizzy state! You can even see how it bounces off my shoulders when I tilt my head!

The best part of this range is even my beloved strongly approves of it because he proclaims that he could enjoy the subtle fragrance of the rose aroma whenever I lay my head on his shoulder!

If you are wondering how it helped, it is all because of the ingredients in them – Rose Oil!

Rose oil can keep the hair moisturized and calm certain scalp conditions. People who have dry and brittle hair or dandruff can benefit most from this range. Not forgetting, Bulgarian-grown rose produces the world’s best rose oil!

They do look expensive with all the benefits mentioned. Despite all the benefits, the prices are super affordable! Each bottle retails at $9.90 for haircare range, and $7.90 for shower gel range.

All Nature is exclusively available at selected Watsons stores.

There is an on going buy 1 get 1 free in Watsons from 24 Mar to 20 Apr, which is a very good promotion for all of you to try the product.

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