
A Night of Infinite Love, Fun & Laughter @ Magnum INFINITY Launch Party!

Were you there on 21st May 2015 for Magnum Infinity Playground?

It was a night of quality chocolate and ice-cream indulgence as Magnum launched its most pleasure-packed ice-cream experience – the Magnum Infinity which will take the experience of enjoying chocolaty delight to another whole new level. Magnum Infinity is made from a rare source of naturally-rich Tanzanian cocoa that produce intents premium dark chocolate.

If you are still waiting for this widely-raved Magnum Infinity to be made available, then wait no longer! This is because it has already hit our little island in two sizes and flavoures – the ‘Classic-sized Chocolate & Caramel’ and the ‘Chocolate Mini’. Both are covered in crackling dark Chocolate and real cocoa nibs. The only difference lies in the flavour of the swirl within the ice-cream with one containing Caramel swirl (the Classic-sized) while the other is a lush chocolate one(Choc Mini).

I must say Magnum never fails to surprise us with their amazingly-designed press kit every year. And the best part is the surprise does not just stop short at the press kit! They push the limits of surprise element even further during the Magnum Infinity Launch Party this year @ the Esplanade Rooftop Terrace!

On to the night of the event!

As we walked into the event arena, the very first sight that greeted our eyes was this colourfully-litted tunnel which led your imagination run wild on the kind of wonderland lying at the end of the tunnel!

As we walked through the tunnel, smoke machines were even installed to emit a Chocolate-scented smoke!

As we walked through the tunnel, the Dreamland unvealed itself!

Beautiful people donned their pretty colourful clothings peppering the rooftop!

Not forgetting the main lead of the night: Magnum Infinity itself!

The spirit of customization has always been the KEY idea behind Magnum event EVERY year! Guests get to design their own Magnum ice-cream with the variety of ingredients like nuts, fruity-tasting sauces and so on so forth!

What do you get end of the day? A unique ONE & Only Magnum creation in the whole universe that caters to your very own taste buds!

How cool is that?!

Sharing the centrestage with Magnum Infinity were 3 very special things we had been pinning all night for: The 3 Playground installations for guests to make merry at with their friends & loved ones!

Playground No. 1: The Infinity Swing ! Easily the BEST spot for couples to snap pictures!

So which couple do we have here?

J & M! Looped within the Infinity Logo, so does that conclude Love to Infinity for us? 

Speaking of swirls, it doesn’t just reside within the ice-creams but also at the playground!
Here it is at Playground No. 2: the Infinity Slide!

Your one & only chance to be a Human-sized Magnum ice-cream before going in for the slide!

And last but not least…

Playground No. 3: the Infinity Skyline Swings standing at 6m and 4m high. We had the most Fun with this one! Intimidating at first, not forgetting you are swinging in mid air at a rooftop. But as the rush of adrenalin eventually kicks in together with the sugar rush from ingesting those Magnum ice-cream, those worries just swing away & you see happy swingers(Literally)!

The ‘swingers’ were not the only happy ones! With me here: Happy Old friend, New friend & Girlfriend!

William was my personal photographer that night & he never fails to take really great pictures!

I also enjoyed the company of this sweet-looking couple (Shanice & Audi) while M was away! People always say they bond well over booze & beer, I say we bonded EVEN better over Magnum ice-creams! Haha!

One other special place which we visited that night was the Mirror Room with Fairy Lights!

This is where you make INFINITE copies of yourself while drowning in the sparkles of pretty lightings! And so, we snap snap snap away till we get Infinite shots of us together! Lol!

I thought the best way to end an ice-cream blog post was to reserve the SWEETEST part of the story till the very end.

I always say I am very thankful to FATE that has brought both of us together! But ONE secret NO ONE knew (not even M till she read it here!) is the fact that I am even MORE thankful to Magnum because if it wasn’t for the Magnum event EXACTLY ONE YEAR AGO where we were still distant strangers (at Avalon), I wouldn’t have met this wonderful girl!

And this is the VERY reason why Magnum will always hold a very special meaning for both of us especially myself to INFINITE time!

Thank you Magnum for this opportunity to bring back the nostalgia of the first moments we met & both of us will always look forward to the annual Magnum event to renew our love for each other …

The special Magnum x Orgo collaboration menu will run from 22 May to 21 August at Orgo, where the low Infinity Swings will also be retained for members of the public to enjoy.

Items which are available are:
Chocolate infinity Apple Crisp $15

The Molten Magnum Infinity $15

The Measure of Pleasure $20

Forest Retreat

….till then again, Magnum!

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