Far EasTone Pre-paid Sim Card For Your Taiwan Data Needs

I enjoy traveling a lot and I make it a point to travel out of Singapore at least twice a year. And so far, my most frequent travel countries have got to be Taiwan and Japan. I really love the culture and people in these countries!

I will never travel without data because I still want to stalk my friends and share pretty photos on my social media platform. And if you are traveling to Taiwan soon, I have a recommendation for you!



Have you heard of Far EasTone Pre-paid Sim Card? It is in fact, on of the most affordable mobile plan you can find in Taiwan for your data usage there. Even though the price is low (starting from NTD300), you can still expect high speed unlimited 4.5G Internet data.

This is how Far EasTone looks like and I assure you that their signal is very stable!


Far EasTone is one of the most well-known among all the telecom companies in Taiwan and the company owns most of the 2600mHZ cellular towers which can support 3CA and that is why their internet speed is a lot faster!


It is also very easy for you when it comes to purchasing Far EasTone, Just head over to Terminal 1 and 2 in TaoYuan International Airport once you have safely landed!

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If you need any assistance like crediting, balance check, just dial 777 on your phone. Isn’t it very easy to remember?! Haha.

Here’s a giveaway for you!

I have 10 FREE one-day trial for you guys if you are visiting Taiwan! All you have to do is to

  1. Follow me on Instagram
  2. Comment on my Far EasTone Post
  3. Waiting for my Direct Message!

I will provide you with a serial number and all you have to do is to enter the serial number to enjoy the one-day free trial! Contest is open to everyone traveling to Taiwan.

For more information, please visit http://fetnet.tw/h742Nb015G (English).
