NEW: Face the Wild, Face the Camera with SK-II

Imagine trekking through the smoldering dry heat in a scorching, arid desert, or hiking up an active volcano with billowing clouds of intense, toxic sulphur gases. Do you think you’ll be able to survive that and take a picture-perfect beauty shot?

Embarking on its most adventurous campaign yet, SK-II unveils the SK-II “Face The Wild, Face The Camera” Extreme Expedition Series – a series of short films produced by National Geographic. Four international female personalities put their skin to the ultimate test of nature to ‘Face The Wild’ in some of the most beautiful yet harsh environments on Planet Earth. They are then challenged to ‘Face The Camera’ for a beauty photoshoot to see if their skin truly withstood the bitter test of the environments to remain crystal clear, with the help of the iconic SK-II Facial Treatment Essence.

Can all four celebrities – top Japanese actress, Kasumi Arimura, global fashion icon, Chiara Ferragni, top Chinese actress, Nini, and top South Korean actress and national boxer, Lee Siyoung – survive their first-of-their-kind extreme missions?

Only one way to find out – watch the SK-II Face The Wild, Face The Camera Extreme Expeditions trailer here now:
