REVIEW: Stay White with White Shock by BlanX

It is nice to see people leaving cute comments on my Instagram photo. For example, I said “If everything from Italy sounds good, then so is BlanX!” and someone commented “In that case, my gf needs to be from Italy too!”. This just proves that people do read my captions afterall! Haha.

And yes, BlanX is indeed the number 1 toothpaste in Italy! I wanna fly there one day!

Being a heavy coffee and tea drinker, I am often faced with the same issue – stained/yellow teeth.

Teeth whitening kits at the dentist can be expensive. There are cheaper options like buying whitening kits online but if you want a faster and fuss-free option, look for whitening toothpaste! We don’t have to put in extra effort to set time aside to brush our teeth right? It is not like brushing teeth is an option. Perfect solution for lazy people like me.

BlanX has a series of different toothpaste but my favourite is their White Shock! Let me go into more details for White Shock later.

The White Shock that I am talking about is the set on the right below. It comes with an LED light and the total set will only cost you $12.95.

White Shock is also the world’s first whitening toothpaste that continues to whiten your teeth in a natural way everything you smile. We noticed a slight difference in the colour of our teeth after each use and we can’t help but feel that this toothpaste is a confidence booster!

Do you know that each use and each smile can help whiten your teeth?

Actilux Technology is a patented compound ingredient that intensifies its whitening action in a natural way when exposed to the light. This technology is found in White Shock and it can last up to 24 hours after you brush your teeth.

The photocatalitic micro-crystals, Actilux binds to the enamel of the teeth during regular brushing and this creates an invisible barrier that removes and blocks the causes of teeth staining – like your usual coffee and tea. So the more you smile, the more light it is being exposed to, and the whiter your teeth gets!

BlanX LED Light is specifically designed to maximize the activation of Actilux. Other than whitening the teeth, Actilux can also provide antibacterial protection.

It is very easy to use. Just throw away the usual cap of the toothpaste and replace it with the LED light.

When you turn the cap, the LED light will automatically be activated and you can re-use the LED Light because it has a 3-month battery life!

Sounds amazing already?! Get ready for your Valentine’s date by using White Shock! Just remember to keep smiling when you are on White Shock. That is what we are doing now. We are trying hard to get rid of the additional stains we got from all the feasting during CNY. No one will ever complain that you smile too much 😉

If you are interested, you can find BlanX at selected Watsons store and White Shock is currently retailing at $12.95.
