EVENT: Prudential #OnePersonOneThing

Last month, I attended the Prudential Relationship Index Forum. The panel speakers share their thoughts on relationships and how they seek to prioritise them.

As I hear them speak, thoughts bombarded me one after another.  Time is indeed the currency of relationships. Do parents spend time with their kids? Do they give kids their prime time and not just whatever time that is left? What are their priorities? All these are important questions for parents.

Gurmit’s heartwarming story of how he brought his son to a theme park in Bali and how they enjoyed a boys-only holiday is perhaps one of the best examples. At the end of the day, his son acknowledged his efforts, and that itself is a reward.

I walked away from the forum with much food for thought on how to make relationships stronger and more rewarding.

Today, I visited Prudential #OnePersonOneThing booth at Ocean Financial Centre. I did something very meaningful there. You know, being Asians, we do not show as much affections as the people half a globe away.

Although the video recording is meant to be for the one person who is most important in my life,  I just had to include both of my parents. To me, they are one. They brought me into this world, see me through university days, lost a daughter (I lost a sister), but here they are, still strong because of my brother and I. Deep down I know that they are very hurt, but they continue to live and work hard every day for us.

This activation got me to record a short video, to say some words that I do not have the courage to say to them. You can only record up to 60 seconds and trust me, it isn’t enough. I wanted to do just a 10 seconds video but when I was inside the room alone thoughts began to overwhelm me. I have too many things to thank them for and a 60 seconds video is not enough!

If you have something to share, head down to Ocean Financial Centre from now to 9 Dec from 11am to 7pm!What is the one thing you want to say to the one person who is most important in your life? Enjoy a Magnum Mini after your recordin and when you share on social medida, you will receive a $5 Toast Box voucher.

Don’t be afraid to show your affection for the one you love before it is too late.

#RelationshipIndex #RelationshipReconnect
