Gargling with Coconut Oil can improve your Dental Health – Oil Pulling

Last week, I heard thought I heard the weirdest thing ever – Gargling Coconut Oil can help improve your dental health. I had my doubts.

It was said that the process uses an Oil Pulling method. This means that you will have to gargle the oil around the mouth like those Listerine you get from the supermarket and you will have to get ORGANIC coconut oil for it to be more effective.

You will need to keep the oil in your mouth for AT LEAST 15 minutes and not go beyond 20 minutes. I can’t imagine having a mouthful of oil in my mouth for even a minute. Can you? :O

Oil pulling helps dissolve the bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath, yellow teeth or other gum diseases. So if you find teeth whitening too expensive, you can try this method. The only thing is… where do you find the time to gargle for 20 minutes?

Well, it’s not that hard. After brushing your teeth, you can put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and then go get change and prepare for work. Spit it out after you are done. OR do it when you are in the shower. It helps save time.

The texture of the oil will also change after 20 minutes. It becomes a more liquid texture which is denser than oil.

How does it work?

When you gargle, the bacteria gets dissolved in the oil. And this works well for places which are hard or impossible to reach with toothbrush.

(Credits: healthyandnaturalworld)

I do not have very white teeth from the start so I am going to start with my Oil Pulling next week. Let me share my results when I have the time!
