Emotional thoughts

Sometimes I think I spend too much time on reviews and adverts that I forget the real purpose of my blog. Here’s me, being all emotional tonight….

Real friends will know that I am an emotional piece of shit and sometimes I think I am pretty crazy. I can get sad over the stupidest stuffs and get happy over the little things. I would always cry like a baby when I send the helper back to the airport every 2 years because my family don’t like to renew contracts. I cried when I had to change class in Primary School because I won’t be able to sit beside my then good friends.

For me, saying goodbye is never easy. It is easily one of the toughest things in my life.

I hate bidding goodbye after building a relationship with people I like.

However, the real world always forces us to do things that we don’t like and we got no say. We can’t have the best of both worlds.

As much as I may feel like shit all over again for the next few days on the inside, I will tell myself to look forward for…..

I love learning new things.

I enjoy taking on new roles and I know what I want.

And more importantly, I love my future..

Till then,

