Carbon Laser Peel Treatment at South Bridge Aesthetics

Everyone has been blaming the haze for all the coughs, red eyes etc during this period. On the contrary, I have to give thanks to it! Why so? Well, I aren’t sadistic or whatsoever. In fact, it did create clogged pores issue & dull skin despite efforts to take care of my skin with daily application of skin care products! Because of this, I was motivated to try out the complimentary

Carbon Laser Peel Treatment at South Bridge Asethetics (SBA)!

Nestled along the centralized Chinatown district, SBA is located visibly along South Bridge Road which is a mere 10 minutes walk away for public transport commuters from Chinatown MRT Station.

The exterior of the clinic was so well furnished, it could easily passed off as a cafe instead! Apart from Carbon Laser Peel Treatment, SBA also performs a wide spectrum of many other well-known skin treatments. Speaking of spoilt for choice here! ><

The interior gives a warm, homely ambience especially with those ‘teak-y’ furnishing!

Dr Winston Lee, the handsome doctor & boss of this clinic sure has some Interior Designing flair, yes?

Nonetheless, what’s warmer is the friendly & pleasant clinic assistants! I feel exceptionally bad towards them for I had to postpone this appointment twice due to heavy work commitments; for this, I did not even hear a tinge of exasperation. Instead, what returned was always that patient tone despite handling a tough customer like me!

KUDOS to Great customer service & professionlism exhibited by these lovely ladies!

Warm hospitality accompanied with warm cup of tea! Guess with this, I was pretty much well warmed up for my Carbon Peel Laser Treatment! ><

So here goes nothing! No less patient than his own staff, Dr Lee went great length to explain in detail what this treatment is about & its benefits (removal of blackheads, decrease pore size, whitening, brightening of skin, even out of skin tone). In short, this treatment helps to cure the dull skin with enlarged pores due to accumulation of dirt by revitalizing it from the inner skin layer.

Contradictorily, the first step to invite that glow back to my skin is by dulling it further! As much as this look like the camo cream used in army, my face was coated with a layer of carbon nano-particles!

With my super cool opaque goggles, I was ready to plunge in for the actual laser treatment! Or maybe the kind doctor just want to block my view from the seemingly intimidating sight of the laser acting on my skin!  Lol! jk!

My Personal Thoughts

As intimidating as this whole ‘peeling’ process may sound, the actual experience was actually quite bearable! Let me share with you some of my own truthful personal account regarding the process. Firstly, there was a burning scent & bound to exist! Initially, silly me thought it was my skin burning but later on, I found out that it was actually the carbon! So don’t worry, you aren’t being ‘BBQ’ if that is what you were thinking! Lol!

Secondly, there is bound to be a slight bearable ticklish sensation on your facial skin. They always say girls have a better tolerance towards pain. So I guess if a guy like me can take it, no problem for guys and definitely no problem for the ladies! 😉

Now for what I really like about this treatment! Firstly, the speed! The whole process took only a mere 15-20minutes! This means that even office workers can just pop by the clinic to do it during their lunch time! Next, there is NO downtime! As such, customers will not have to suffer days of unsightly scars due to complications & side effect of the laser treatment ! Last & most importantly, the result is instant! In short, you walk into the clinic -> 15 minutes later, you walk out looking & feeling BETTER!

And this is the very reason why you see this super satisfied customer with his rejuvenated glowy skin seating right next to Dr Lee himself!

This is one treatment I would highly recommend espeicially for busy working individuals!

South Bridge Aesthetics is located at: 277 South Bridge Rd, 058826

Contact: 97308999
