Triumph – Find the one

Finding the right one isn’t easy. But Triumph can help you find the perfect fitted bra and they are very excited to announce the launch of “Find the One”.

I think this is the cutest video of finding the right bra so far! Do you also know that 7 out of 10 women are wearing the wrong size bra? Fret not now because Triumph have professional fit experts. The experts would take down my measurements every time I visit their store to get a new bra set and with them around the stores, I don’t have to be afraid of wearing the wrong one.

Let Triumph share with you the 7 steps to finding the perfect fit for you.

Not sure if you also know, last 2 weeks, there was a pop-up store outside Robinsons Heeren and shoppers who brought along an old bra could trade in for a new Body Make-up Jacquard Bra at only $20 and a matching undies at $10 only.

Even if you haven’t, be sure to check out their stores as they have experts in the stores as well. Remember, don’t wear a bra too tight or too loose. You don’t want tight chest or any anything saggy.

But if you’re looking for a bra right now, I would recommend Triumph Magic Wire. We like everything to be #wireless don’t we? Haha. Although you don’t see or feel any wire in them, but it is as good as a wired brea and Magic Wire is well received anywhere! I became a fan of it after owning one since 2 months ago.

To date, more than 120,000 women have been fitted by Triumph and what about you? Find your perfect one with them soon!

Do visit their website for some online shopping and promotions as well! 🙂

Visit them at:
